Options for Building a Kit Home
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Part of the appeal of purchasing a kit home is the flexibility with which the home is built. If you're considering a steel frame kit home for your new house, you'll have many options for building, including:
Owner-building – Many homeowners choose to build their kit homes entirely on their own throughout. You don't have to have experience with construction to be an owner-builder, as we include a manual that details how to build the home systematically. You will need to take a Green Card construction induction training course and an owner-builder safety course before beginning construction. To assist with this we offer all PAAL customers a free owner builder course.
Hiring a crew – Some owner-builders decide that they need help completing the construction of their kit homes. For these homeowners, hiring a crew of skilled or unskilled labourers is often ideal. Hiring your own crew does require you to work as a supervisor as well as a builder, but having extra hands to help you can accelerate the building process.
Subcontracting – Owner-builders sometimes choose to complete only part of the project, and then hire subcontractors to finish other phases. Most often, subcontractors are hired to complete steps where experience can be beneficial, such as wiring for electricity or installing the plumbing. Subcontracting your kit home construction project adds extra costs but is usually less expensive than hiring a contractor to finish the whole job.
Using a contractor – For homeowners who have strict schedules or are concerned about completing construction on their own, having a contractor handle the project is sometimes ideal. Although this is the most costly option, contractor-built kit homes might qualify for low-cost construction loans that other projects do not.
Being a hired hand – Owners who want to be involved in the construction process but do not wish to manage the project on their own might volunteer to be on the contractor's crew. Occasionally, contractors will offer a labour discount to owners who help with the building process.
Whether you want to be involved with the construction of your steel frame kit home or wish to have a contractor perform all the work, PAAL Kit Homes is here to help you. If you have questions about how to get started shopping for your new kit home, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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