Learn how to become an owner builder

Paal helps its customers to build their own homes by paying for recently-expanded training courses. This bonus from Paal is intended to ease the burden of new measures that are intended to improve owner builder safety and ensure all houses are completed to a professional standard.

(A) Obtaining your White Card.

This card is issued after completion of a one day face-to-face course on Working Safely in the Construction Industry, overseen by WorkCover NSW. 
The course is run by a number of registered training organisations throughout the state. Paal will organise the course for you and pay for the course fee.

(B) Completing a course in Owner Builder Compliance.

This course can be done either face-to-face, via correspondence or entirely online. Paal recommends an online course as the most convenient way for customers to achieve compliance.
The course has a multiple-choice quiz at the end of each section. Each quiz can be repeated until a pass is achieved, after which a certificate of completion is issued. 
Paal organises your registration for you and pays for the course fee.

(C) Obtaining your Owner Builder’s Permit.

Once the White Card and Owner Builder Compliance certificate are obtained, your application for an Owner Builder’s Permit can then be lodged with the Department of Fair Trading.  Again, the lodgement fee will be refunded by Paal.

Paal meets all these compliance costs in order to ease the burden placed on the owner builder. In doing so, Paal is saving you around $650 towards the cost of your new home.


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