Find your perfect exterior colour scheme

Choosing a colour scheme for the exterior of your home may feel daunting. However, according to Paal’s colour consultant Narelle Jarman, there are easy rules to help with the process.

Keep it Simple

Limit the number of main colours to three for the house, roof, fascia, gutters and trim. Natural elements like timber or stone can be added but less is definitely more. Any additional colours should be a variation on your three-colour palette.

“If you choose too many colours, it looks too busy and becomes incoherent,” says Narelle. “It doesn’t look balanced and your eye is jotting all over the place.”

Look For the Light

Light plays an important role, as colours look much lighter in full sun and darker in the shade.

“Aspect will make a difference – the direction in which your house faces, and where you get your morning and afternoon sun,” says Narelle, who also suggests taking care when actually making your selections.

“When choosing colours, you’re usually looking at them internally, so they will appear darker than what they will be outside.”

To Highlight or not to Highlight

Sometimes it’s hard to know which exterior features to emphasise. For Narelle, downpipes definitely do not need attention.

“They’re not an architectural feature and in no way need to be highlighted. The aim is to make them blend with the home or brick and be near invisible.”

If you’re confused about what to do, simply decide whether the element is something you want to disguise or something that you wish to make a featurable item. “This helps puts things in perspective,” she says.

Colorbond Can Help

There are many possibilities of exterior colour combinations. However it comes down to what you want for the overall look of your home. Narelle strongly advises visiting the Colorbond website for inspiration -

“You can see different styles of homes and all the different colour combinations. They also have an online visualiser, where you can put their colours together.”

Knock on the Door

Look around at other houses and you might just discover the perfect colour scheme. If you do see a house with a colour combination you like, Narelle recommends asking the homeowners what they chose.

“People are usually flattered if you admire their home. The current owners may not be responsible for the finish, but you’ve got nothing to lose by asking.”

If you are a Paal buyer, you can contact Narelle for a free colour and design consultation.