We'll help you develop your ideal site
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Paal housing consultant Doug Young (left)
provides guidance during a site inspection.
If you've bought your land and are thinking about the right house to build on it, talk to us at Paal. Our site advice may be the best way to start you off.
"We know all the processes and costs involved in preparing a home site, the regulations to be met, and the ways of getting the best from your block," said Paal housing consultant Michael Christie.
"For example, orienting the house towards great views should always be a priority, but it should not be at the cost of other important objectives such as a northerly aspect for optimal winter exposure or siting the house to avoid excessive excavation.
"Sometimes simply moving a house position 10 or 15 degrees makes all the difference and you still retain those views."
"There could also be the possibility of fire or flood hazards. Paal can tell you if you'll need a fire report for your site and can recommend a suitable consultant to prepare reports for council submission if required," Michael said.
A site inspection is also a good time for checking the road access to the block for when the truck later delivers your home kit.
Paal's housing consultants are very experienced at providing this kind of advice. Michael has been working in the housing industry for 32 years and has himself owner-built five homes.
"When you're ready to build, a Paal housing consultant may, depending on site location, be able to come out and inspect your land and give advice to get you started," he said.
"In many areas, the local council will require detailed information that only a professional surveyor can provide. However this isn't the case in all regions and Paal can sometimes assist you to do this work.
"We can use our laser equipment to carry out spot levels on your block to determine the fall of the land. This will help you to make an informed decision on the type of foundations to go with and also aid us in drawing up the council plans."