Creating the classic Queenslander

After 42 years, Mark and Maureen Gastaldin left their Brisbane home to retire on five acres in Tamaree, Queensland. The couple considered both kit and relocatable homes, however struggled to find a style they liked. “We loved the old Queenslander house with a verandah and cottagey look,” says Maureen. “Modern homes aren’t like that.”

They decided to draw up their own plan, until Mark chanced upon Paal Kit Homes and their Fitzroy design. “It was pretty much what we’d drawn,” says Maureen. “We liked the look of it, we liked the idea that Paal was in Caboolture, and they’d been going for over 50 years, that made a big difference.”

After meeting with Mauree and Jamie, the couple proceeded with a modified Fitzroy, flipping the plan, and raising it off the ground to suit both their sloping land and personal taste. “We don’t like being on concrete, our house in Brisbane had beautiful floorboards,” says Maureen. “And being above ground, any water goes straight down the land.”

The plan also included a generous alfresco deck, with a magnificent outlook. “That’s the highest point, probably 2.5metres off the ground,” says Maureen. “It’s beautiful, we spend all out time out there.”

With Mark’s background in carpentry, the couple went owner-builder, completing most of the work themselves, while living in a shed on site. “We outsourced a couple of jobs such as plastering, electrical, plumbing and a friend helped with the roof” says Maureen. “Mark did pretty much everything else, with the help of his brother, while I project managed.”

Overall, the couple was delighted with Paal’s service. “The materials were good quality and there was always a bit extra,” says Maureen. “We were also very happy with the quality of the kitchen.” They found the manual well explained, plus help was never far away. “If we were stuck, we rang Liz in Sydney, and she was always helpful,” says Maureen.

The overall cost was equally satisfying. “We came in at about $310,000, with Paal’s cost at about $135,000,” says Maureen. “If we got a builder, it would have cost us a lot more.”

Now, the couple is relieved to have finally moved out of the shed and into their new home. ‘It was pretty stressful for Mark, but he survived it and is happy it’s done,” says Maureen. “It was really good to get the accreditation.”

And apart from a few small jobs, all that’s left is to get on with this new chapter of their life. “We’re loving it,” says Maureen. “All up, it was a good decision.”